Characterizing Gels with Dynamic Light Scattering

Online Webinar - Presentation


Wednesday 01 June 2022 - 15:00

Locandina webinar
Post publication date: 
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) is a powerful technique to investigate the properties of a broad range of colloidal and polymeric suspensions. However, standard DLS is typically limited to fully suspended, purely viscous, liquid samples. In non-ergodic samples such as gels, colloidal objects cannot freely diffuse through Brownian motion and so meaningful information can only be extracted through rigorous measurement methods and specific analysis protocols.
In this live webinar, Dr. Mattia Usuelli (ETH Zürich) will introduce the concept of non-ergodicity in DLS, describe how to perform reliable measurements on gel-like samples, and discuss how to treat the resulting data. He will also present a direct application of this method in which non-ergodic DLS is used to extract the mesh size of amyloid fibril gels.

There will be time reserved for a Q&A session after the main presentation

This event will be recorded and made available on LS Instruments website.

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LS Instruments