Accessories / Consumables / Software AFM, SPM, STM, SEM, Optical Profilers
Check our list of consumables and accessories for your microscopes: AFM, SEM, TEM, etc...
AFM probes, stubs, substrates, acoustic enclosures and so on. Top notch products to achieve great scientific findings, improve your QC, etc..
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EDS for SEM and FIB
Manufacturer: Oxford NanoAnalysis
Ion Sputter Coaters
AFM/SPM, SEM, Optical profilers Analysis Software
Manufacturer: Digital Surf
Sharp single crystal diamond
Manufacturer: Adama Innovations
Solid metallic AFM probe tips for SCM and C-AFM
Manufacturer: Rocky Mountain Nanotechnology
Acoustic Enclosures for Scientific instruments
Test Structures
Manufacturer: AppNano
Manufacturer: Mikromasch
SThM Module and Probes
Standard silicon probes SPM/AFM
Manufacturer: Mikromasch
Manufacturer: AppNano
Conductive and Magnetic Probes
Manufacturer: Mikromasch
Coated and Hardened Probes
Tipless Cantilevers
Manufacturer: Mikromasch
Accessories / Consumables / Software AFM, SPM, STM, SEM, Optical Profilers
Silicon Nitride Probes
Custom MEMS & Nanofabrication - Probes