"Ecotoxicity of Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF) and Polylactic Acid (PLA) Microplastics in Marine Zooplankton"


Epifluorescenza di PVDF e PLA colorato con rosso Nilo in Aurelia sp. meduse ephyrae acquisite insieme all'olotomogramma.

Epifluorescenza di PVDF e PLA colorato con rosso Nilo in Aurelia sp. meduse ephyrae acquisite insieme all'olotomogramma. Entrambi i materiali (colore rosso che rappresenta il canale di fluorescenza; indice di rifrazione 1,42 per PVDF e 1,4 per PLA) sono localizzati all'interno del corpo gelatinoso (intervallo di indice 1,355–1,378) dopo 24 ore di esposizione. Le barre equivalgono a 30 μm.

Data di pubblicazione: 
Giovedì 15 Settembre 2022

È appena uscito un nuovo articolo,, il risultato dell'attività svolta nel novembre 2021, grazie alla collaborazione tra CNR-ISMAR (UOS di Genova) e Schaefer South-East Europe, in cui il Tomocube HT-2H è stato utilizzato per fare imaging olotomografico sui campioni. Il titolo tradotto recita: "Ecotossicità delle microplastiche di polivinilidene difluoruro (PVDF) e acido polilattico (PLA) nello zooplancton marino"

L'abstract dell'articolo: "The aim of this study was to investigate the ecotoxicity of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) and polylactic acid (PLA) microplastics (MPs) in two marine zooplankton: the crustacean Artemia franciscana and the cnidarian Aurelia sp. (common jellyfish). To achieve this goal, (i) MP uptake, (ii) immobility, and (iii) behavior (swimming speed, pulsation mode) of crustacean larval stages and jellyfish ephyrae exposed to MPs concentrations (1, 10, 100 mg/L) were assessed for 24 h. Using traditional and novel techniques, i.e., epifluorescence microscopy and 3D holotomography (HT), PVDF and PLA MPs were found in the digestive systems of the crustaceans and in the gelatinous tissue of jellyfish. Immobility was not affected in either organism, while a significant behavioral alteration in terms of pulsation mode was found in jellyfish after exposure to both PVDF and PLA MPs. Moreover, PLA MPs exposure in jellyfish induced a toxic effect (EC50: 77.43 mg/L) on the behavioral response. This study provides new insights into PLA and PVDF toxicity with the potential for a large impact on the marine ecosystem, since jellyfish play a key role in the marine food chain. However, further investigations incorporating additional species belonging to other trophic levels are paramount to better understand and clarify the impact of such polymers at micro scale in the marine environment. These findings suggest that although PVDF and PLA have been recently proposed as innovative and, in the case of PLA, biodegradable polymers, their effects on marine biota should not be underestimated."

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Tomocube, Inc