Pubblicazione (DWS Rheolab): "Lysozyme amyloid fibrils can be used as natural bio-flocculants to precipitate contaminants in water"

Data di pubblicazione: 
Venerdì 22 Ottobre 2021

La contaminazione dell'acqua è una minaccia globale a causa dei suoi effetti dannosi sull'ambiente e sulla salute umana. L'inquinamento delle acque da microplastiche (MP), materia organica naturale disciolta (NOM -  Natural Organic Matter) e altre particelle torbide è presente nel trattamento delle acque. In questa pubblicazione vengono introdotte le fibrille amiloidi del lisozima come un nuovo bio-flocculante naturale e viene esplorata la loro capacità di flocculare e precipitare gli oggetti colloidali indesiderati sopra menzionati.

In questo studio, il DWS RheoLab di LS Instruments consente l'analisi della dinamica delle particelle in funzione del tempo.


"Water contamination is a global threat due to its damaging effects on the environment and human health. Water pollution by microplastics (MPs), dissolved natural organic matter (NOM), and other turbid particles is ubiquitous in water treatment. Here, we introduce lysozyme amyloid fibrils as a novel natural bio-flocculant and explore their ability to flocculate and precipitate the abovementioned undesired colloidal objects. Thanks to their positively charged surface in a very broad range of pH, lysozyme amyloid fibrils show an excellent turbidity removal efficiency of 98.2 and 97.9% for dispersed polystyrene MPs and humic acid (HA), respectively. Additionally, total organic carbon measurements confirm these results by exhibiting removal efficiencies of 93.4 and 61.9% for purifying water from dispersed MPs and dissolved HA, respectively. The comparison among amyloid fibrils, commercial flocculants (FeCl3 and polyaluminumchloride), and native lysozyme monomers points to the superiority of amyloid fibrils at the same dosage and sedimentation time. Furthermore, the turbidity of pristine and MP-spiked wastewater and lake water decreased after the treatment by amyloid fibrils, validating their coagulation–flocculation performance under natural conditions. All these results demonstrate lysozyme amyloid fibrils as an appropriate natural bio-flocculant for removing dispersed MPs, NOM, and turbid particles from water."

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LS Instruments