Expanded Agilent 6000ILM compatibility

Post publication date: 
Friday, May 3, 2013

Our 6000ILM AFM is now compatible with Nikon TE2000 and Olympus IX inverted microscopes. Seamless AFM integration with these popular inverted microscopes enables a greater number of life science researchers to go beyond the optical diffraction limit to achieve nanoscale resolution without special sample preparation.

In addition to this broader instrument compatibility, several key capabilities were recently added to the 6000ILM AFM platform. Of particular importance is the availability of an incubator perfusion cell sample plate that facilitates dynamic studies in liquids and gases, as well as a top-view video optics package that gives researchers the ability to see opaque samples while scanning. Single-pass electrical characterization capabilities, force-volume spectroscopy capabilities, and PicoView software plugin and scripting flexibility further expand the usefulness of the 6000ILM AFM for studying cell membranes, the surface structure of cells, single DNA/RNA strands, individual  proteins, single molecules, biopolymers, and more.