Cordouan Technologies
At the overlap between the worlds of science and industry, CORDOUAN Technologies was born in September 2007 from the impetus of David Jacob (CTO) and Mathias Pennec (CEO), originating respectively from the telecom industry and laser/applied optics business. Sharing a common vision and ambition to develop and industrialize innovations still confined to research laboratories, the Cordouan adventure started through a first technology transfer with the French Petroleum Institute (IFPEN). This successful transfer led to the development of a unique commercial granulometer named VASCO™ (like the famous Portuguese sailor) dedicated to the size characterization of nano-particles in complex medium.
After few years of activities, Cordouan has constructed major expertise and become a reference in the world of N3 (Nanoparticles, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies) thanks to the development of innovative solutions for the characterization of nanoparticles and nanomaterials. Thus, today Cordouan offers our customers a coherent and broad portfolio of instrument solutions for Granulometry, Refractometry, Electrophoresis and sample preparation accessories.