Vaccine & Virus Formulation with TRPS technology: the Izon Science's way.

Vaccine & Virus Formulation with TRPS technology: the Izon Science's way.
Post publication date: 
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Analyse thousands of viral particles in just 15 minutes.

TRPS enables rapid quantitation and analysis of individual virus particles in real-time, ideal for assessment of viral titre and aggregation. Measurement takes a matter of minutes and each measurement only requires 40µL  of sample fluid to identify individual particle size and particle concentration. This will generate the highest accuracy possible of total viral titre.  The qNano Gold, a TRPS based instrument that powerfully measures the degree of sample aggregation through this profile of concentration (viral titre) against size, allows you to easily formulate highly optimized vaccines and viruses.

Accurate Viral Titre

Easily count the total number of virus particles ( Viral particles / mL)

Reliable Aggregation & Stability

Measure particle size on a particle-by-particle basis, providing accurate size distribution output.

Rapid Analysis

Analyse a sample in 10 – 15 minutes. No expensive reagents required.

Vaccine Development

Vaccine development requires stable preparations with information on the number of virus particles present and how many of them are capable of infecting cells. Infectivity assays can answer the latter question but accurate determination of total virus numbers is difficult. TRPS can be applied to accurately correlate the total number of virus particles to virus infectious units (IFU) when combined with standard titer analysis methods. Reliable and accurate measurement of viral aggregation is a further benefit of the system not available through alternative methods.

Related products 

qNano Gold - IZON Science
The World’s Most Detailed Information for Each Individual Nanoparticle


IZON Science